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Heart Failure Reversal Therapy (HFRT)

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Heart Disease Reversal by Madhavbaug Clinic Nagpur

Heart Failure Reversal Therapy (HFRT)

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What is HFRT? Heart failure reversal therapy (HFRT) is scientifically researched integration of Ayurveda and modern medical science. It is specially designed to enhance the condition of your heart and lungs (your cardio respiratory fitness). HFRT is a combination of the best of the modern diagnostics, ayurvedic panchakarma therapies, diet & exercise physiotherapy. It uses techniques described in panchakarma namely Snehana (massage), Swedana (fomentation therapy) and Basti (type of enema) along with Hrudayadhara (thoracic dripping therapy). What is Heart failure? Heart failure is a condition in which your heart can’t pump blood well enough to meet your body’s needs all the time. It can develop gradually (chronic), or it may start suddenly (acute). Heart failure can develop suddenly, for instance after a heart attack or due to certain heart rhythm problems. This is known as acute heart failure. It should be considered a medical emergency requiring immediate intervention But it usually develops gradually over time as a result of a different medical problem, such as persistent high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, obesity, heart blockages etc. This is known as chronic heart failure. What conditions HFRT can treat? Heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (pumping capacity) Heart failure patients with normal ejection fraction (pumping capacity) Heart failure patients with difficulty in breathing on Exertion Heart failure patients with swelling over both legs. Heart failure with valvular heart disease (mitral stenosis/aortic stenosis) Congenital heart disease with difficulty in breathing on Exertion. How does HFRT therapy works? It helps to improve the strength of your heart muscles, thereby improves pumping capacity of your heart. It improves the elasticity of the blood vessels, thereby improves the pumping capacity of your heart and blood circulation throughout the body. It helps to improve your VO2 max value (the amount or volume of oxygen the body uses when you exercise as hard as you can), thereby improving your cardio respiratory fitness. It helps to reduce the stress put on your heart muscles (cardiac workload) by eliminating metabolic wastes, excess of salt and water out of the body.

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      4 Oct 2020

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      4 Nov 2020

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